One year ago, “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day”ran its original profile of Dave Agema, a former Michigan state legislator and current member of the Republican National Committee from Michigan who served three terms before being done in by term limits, and since becoming a member of the RNC, has only narrowly avoided having his resignation forced upon him after a series of controversial and bigoted remarks over the past several years. Among Agema’s worst quotes that we covered in that first profile were comparing gays to alcoholics and claiming that they only want free health care because they’re all dying of AIDS, the time he questioned whether anyone of the Muslim faith have ever made positive contributions to America, and the time he circulated the inaccurate and mathematically-challenged claim that President Obama is “50% white, 43.75% Arabic and 6,26% black.” There was also the time when Agema posted what he called a “very enlightening” article from a white supremacist magazine on African-American crime about how by their nature, people of that race are “violent and prone to violence”. Needless to say, he comes off as quite the hate-monger.
And Agema hasn’t changed much since we ran through a whole calendar year, as you can see some from some of his social media posts in that time:
- After posting a conspiracy story, “ALERT: Obama Writes New Laws To Throw People In PRISON For Talking About GUNS On The Internet,” Agema comments: “If this is true, I’m in serious trouble … Can anyone confirm!” -June 11th, 2015
- On actor and LGBT activist George Takei “The intolerance of those demanding tolerance. I new [sic] I didn’t like StarTrek [sic] for a reason.”–July 2nd, 2015
- On Fox News host Geraldo Rivera criticizing anti-immigrant comments: “I’d pay to watch Geraldo punched out! He exposes his real ideals with his ‘right wing’ comment. I quess [sic] he’s 'left wing.” July 13th, 2015
- After the death of Cecil of the Lion in an illegal game hunt: “We’ve emasculated our boys, bent over for the gay movement and the sensation in the news is a lion.”–July 29th, 2015
- Reacting to the president appointing the first openly gay Army secretary: “Obama ruins this country fiscally, morally, constitutionally and militarily. … Everything he touches, he ruins.”- September 19th, 2015
- Responding to Fox News host Megyn Kelly stating Obama isn’t a Muslim: “By their fruits you shall know them! I disagree with Kelly. There is room for doubt.”–September 21st, 2015
- “A True Muslim can never swear to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic nor pledge allegiance to the flag. Why- because they believe that all laws of man are beneath Sharia Law, are made made [sic] and are therefore not to be adhered to.”– September 23rd, 2015
- “Notice the [Syrian] refugees refusing water and food and demanding their type food. They are thankless and young men primarily, who are prime candidates for terrorists.”–October 6th, 2015
- “Be very careful in voting for anyone that Great Lakes Education Project supports. It is run by the radical homosexual(former Michigan GOP Executive Director) Greg McNeilly that always seems to support the more liberal instead of the conservative candidates.” - October 7th, 2015
As if there needed to be any more proof that Dave Agema is absolutely crazier than a s***house rat, last week he asked the Republican National Committee to pass a resolution at its winter meetings later this month in Charleston, South Carolina, urging Congress to act on about 50 articles of impeachment drafted by the North American Law Center that accuse Obama of such ridiculous crimes as criminal identity fraud (hello there, Birthers), helping U.S. enemies, for example, by not enforcing immigration law and overstepping the bounds of his authority, for example, by ordering military action without congressional support (in spite of repeatedly asking Congress to vote on conflicts in Syria, and Lybia). But if it wasn’t enough that Agema felt he would be able to successfully impeach Barack Obama, he thinks this plan will also be presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s downfall, because they could link her to having been involved in all these imagined crimes committed by the Obama administration, as he explained, “I think Hillary through this will be implicated as a co-conspirator. There would be a lot of pressure on Democrats to see what she’s been involved with.”
While you might think that being such an intolerant jackass would completely ruin someone’s fortunes in higher office, if they started failing to be elected at even to a state legislature… Dave Agema never got that memo, and during his announcement in October 2015 that he was supporting Ted Cruz for president in 2016, added that he was also considering running for U.S. Congress to represent Michigan’s 1st Congressional District. The RNC already has to do a hell of a lot of explaining for Dave Agema, and make excuses as to why they haven’t booted him from the group that will inevitably be meeting in six months to help write the 2016 GOP Party Platform. So when you wonder how the hell the Republican Party has such an extreme list of ideas when it comes out… you have an idea why. This is the kind of person they have helping write it.